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Scan, inventory and categorize every machine in your IT STOCK

Your IT infrastructure is made up of a multitude of assets. For many reasons, it is important that each of these IT assets is perfectly scanned and inventoried. Asset management, cybersecurity, ITSM, financial management...
OCS Inventory is the cornerstone of many issues that CIOs must meet.

The open source reference for IT asset inventory


How it works ?

Server, agents...
IT inventory in short

In order to send you every information in a single web interface, it is necessary to mesh your network by a set of agents installed on each machine. The dedicated OCS server then interprets the data to deliver it to you in an exhaustive database.

ocs inventory
IT inventory

Why choose OCS Inventory?

Flexible, compatible, accessible... All the ingredients to save time

With its great maturity, OCS Inventory can now be installed in different ways and responds to the specificities of each information system. The agents are compatible with all types of OS and, on the server side, you can consider a cloud solution.

Easy to install

An all-terrain solution adapting to the particularities

Taper sur un ordinateur

A controlled budget

OCS Inventory is an open source project. By being accompanied directly by the publisher of the solution, you are guaranteed the most expert service, without cost linked to various licenses.

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SAAS offer from 250€ / month

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Adapted On Premise offers

budget dsi
Image de John Barkiple

Plugins for great versatility

Via its very versatile plugin engine, OCS Inventory can provide even more services: detection of CVEs, inventory of VMs, consultation of logs...


OCS Inventory brings together essential tools for CIOs

  • Scan assets of the park: upload all the information about hardware and software of every machine.

  • Inventory: create groups to monitor and act to prevent all risks.

  • Remote deployment: use OCS Inventory to remotely deploy your updates, patches, etc.

  • Third-party tools connection: optimize your asset manager with ITSM-NG, GLPI, CMDBuild or iTop

pro ocs inventory

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